Westchester United Methodist Church
A Place Where Love Works
you can connect with us
two ways -
online and in person!
There are two ways to connect - in person and on line!
On Second Tuesdays of the Month at 11:00 a.m. - Rhythm & Food Drum Circle - Adults
Rhythm & Food - Adults - feeds body, mind & spirit through a shared lunch and recreational music-making, using an evidence-based whole person strategy called HealthRhythms©. HealthRhythms© promotes community and ensures a healthy non-strenuous workout. Adults are invited to find that center in your soul where your heart is strengthened by joy, celebration, rhythm, and food. Rhythm & Food - Adults takes place every second Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Drums are provided - no experience required - lunch is provided - and it’s FREE! Put your hand on your heart - feel the beat - we all have a drum within us! RSVP's are helpful in planning the meal, but if you forget to RSVP and want to join in the drumming and lunch, you are invited. To RSVP, CLICK HERE to email Pastor Lyda. Upcoming dates: February 11th at 11:00 a.m., March 11th at 11:00 a.m.
On Third Wednesdays of the Month at 5:00 p.m. - eat pray love Community Dinner Church
You are invited to the Fellowship Hall on the church campus for a free community dinner ... as Jesus showed us, community starts at the table. Families, singles, adults, kids, teens, college students, seniors - all are invited to this fresh expression of community and church. Beginning in March of 2025, we will have two Dinner Church experiences - we are adding a "Soup and Salad" dinner church on the first Wednesday of the month! On First Wednesdays, we will enjoy a delicious homemade soup and salad meal, and on Third Wednesdays, we will enjoy an entree and salad meal! RSVP's help with the food preparation, but if you forget to RSVP, you are still welcome! To RSVP, CLICK HERE to email Pastor Lyda to let us know you are coming.
eat pray love Upcoming Dates:
January 15th at 5:00 p.m.
February 19th at 5:00 p.m.
March 5th at 5:00 p.m. - Soup and Salad Dinner Church
March 19th at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. - In Person Worship
Our new worship series, "Six Stone Jars" begins on January 19, 2025. A miscalculation has occurred. The wedding guests have drunk all the wine before the party is over. At times, life can feel like we’re “running out” of so much, and scarcity is shutting down the party. In these moments, we are invited to turn to the currency and economy of Jesus. In his economy, the true measure of abundance is fullness for the whole community, not just for some. Let us build the Kin-dom of God by drawing Hope, Purpose, Healing, Meaning, Vision, and Grace for all people. On Sunday, January 5th, we will explore new beginnings and Communion will be offered. On January 12th, we will celebrate the Baptism of the Lord.
Sunday Mornings at 8:00 a.m., join us via Zoom for Breakfast Church! It's informal and there is room for everyone at our virtual table. At Breakfast Church, we will explore scripture through questions and conversation. You are invited to grab your favorite breakfast goodies, a cup of coffee, your laptop, computer or smartphone and log in through a Zoom meeting invitation at 8:00 a.m. On the first Sunday of each month, we will have virtual Communion during Breakfast Church. For the Zoom Breakfast Church invitation, please CLICK HERE.
Morning Prayer Check-In - Wednesday Mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., you are invited to meet via Zoom for a time of check-in and prayer. There is a time of checking in with each other, celebrating things that went well during the week, and sharing the challenging stuff. We will discover where God is in our daily experiences and end with a time of prayer for ourselves, our loved ones, and for the world. Morning Prayer Check-In meets each Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. All are invited! For a Zoom invitation, please email Pastor Lyda.
For our January 2025 Newsletter, please CLICK HERE.
We support the Food Pantry LAX and are a drop-off site for food donations (please no expired or perishable items). We cannot accept donations of clothing, toys or furnishings. We no longer accept donations of calendars or cards.
We support Suicide Prevention & Awareness programs at Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services - 100% of our Easter and Christmas Eve Offerings are dedicated to suicide prevention. We also accept financial donations for the Food Pantry LAX and Suicide Prevention through our online giving.
Ways to Help - Los Angeles & Pacific Palisades Fires:
Monetary Donations: The California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church has set up a special fund to help the victims of the fires - the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund - where you can contribute directly towards relief and recovery. Please visit: www.calpacumc.org/donate
You can also donate through UMCOR at: UMCOR US Disaster Response and Recovery - Global Ministries