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It’s time for us to do the same in SoCal

Christians Pledge To End Discrimination Against LGBTQ People In Pennsylvania February 3, 2015

For the first time, a broad movement of clergy and people of faith are joining forces across Pennsylvania to raise awareness about the effects of discrimination and harassment on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people.

An impressive group of about 600 clergy and more than 1000 lay people have stepped up to support LGBTQ equality.

Because of their faith, they commit to work for justice. They come from more than 25 denominations and include bishops and other regional denominational leaders. They include people who are progressive, conservative, rich, poor, old, young, black, white, brown, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, straight—from all walks of life.

In urban centers, suburbs, small towns, and rural communities in every area of this state, people of faith are having important conversations with friends, family members, co-workers, and congregation members about why equality is important. These conversations end the fearful silence; these conversations are full of grace.

Equality Pennsylvania Faith Action Teams are organizing in more than 20 local communities to make life better for LGBTQ people where they live. In addition to raising awareness about the need to include LGBTQ people in statewide non-discrimination protections and hate crimes laws, they will work with local community leaders, press, and community organizations to encourage respect and support for LGBTQ people in their communities. They want to take action that improves the lives of LGBTQ people in practical ways.

Join us in this important work as we change the religious landscape in Pennsylvania.

Add your name to this campaign to become a part of this movement. You will be contacted about how you feel called to make a difference in big and small ways, including prayer, conversations, service, and action for change.

I believe in love.

My faith leads me to believe that all human beings are sacred and should be treated with dignity and respect, and that this includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people.

I believe in the Golden Rule—that we should treat others the way we would wish to be treated and love our neighbors as ourselves.

I believe that loving our LGBTQ neighbors means we ought to raise awareness and work for full equality under the law for LGBTQ people and their families. Nobody should experience discrimination or harassment because of who they are.

I will speak up and take action because I believe that all human beings deserve the dignity of work and the ability to use their gifts for the good of the community. Nobody should live in fear that they might be denied housing or turned away from their home simply because of who they are. All human beings deserve to be treated with respect and full equality as they live in their communities, use public services, and patronize businesses. Nobody should live in fear of violence.

I will make a difference in Pennsylvania.


Hosted in partnership with our friends at Equality Pennsylvania

BY: BELIEVE OUT LOUD – See more at:

If you are interested in working together to promote the welcoming and acceptance of LGBTQ people in SoCal, Cal-Pac Conference of the UMC, &/or the West District of Cal-Pac, let’s do it. Leave a message and let’s start organizing.

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8065 Emerson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045
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