Westchester United Methodist Church
A Place Where Love Works
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United Methodist Women

Westchester United Methodist Women (W.U.M.W.) offers the opportunity to participate in the caring fellowship of their group. We presently have over sixty (60) active members in four different groups. There are four Unit Meetings (the fourth Thursday morning of the month) which all members and friends are invited to attend.
The Day Fellowship Groups meet the first Thursday morning of the month.
It is not necessary to be a member of the United Methodist Church to be a member of United Methodist Women. New members may join at any time during the year.
There are three 2009 Mission and Bible Studies that will be studied this year:
Spiritual Study – I Believe in Jesus;
Geographic Study – Israel and Palestine;
Issue Study – Giving Our Hearts Away: Native American Survival.
Please feel free to contact any member of the W.U.M.W. if you have any questions about this organization, would like to visit one of our meetings, or to join the W.U.M.W. We would love to talk with you and have you come to one or all of our meetings.
Thank you to all who provide love, life, and support to the United Methodist Women!
One of the services offered, not only to W.U.M.W. members, but to the church family, is our Prayer Chain. When there are special needs for family members or close friends, messages go through the Prayer Chain.
Our Global Ministries Outreach was enthusiastically supported by our W.U.M.W. in 2008. Our pledge to missions was $4500. Our women met that pledge and went the second mile and gave additional gifts above our Unit’s pledge. The Westchester United Methodist Women donated $500 for 50 nets to the UMCOR program to purchase nets for families in Africa to protect them from mosquitoes that carry malaria. WUMW also donated $100 each to: the USO, Airport Marina Counseling Service, Toberman Neighborhood Center, WUMC’s Hot Meal Program, and WUMC’s Youth.
W.U.M.W. has always been alert to the needs within their own church. This organization, in 2008, helped with the Coffee Fellowship after church services, provided coffee and light refreshments for various receptions, furnished meals for the Trustee’s sponsored All Church Work Parties, provided funds for kitchen equipment, supplies and extra clean-up, catered Lenten Dinners provided coffee and refreshments for some district and conference meetings, and hosted the Los Angeles District United Methodist Women’s Annual meeting, as well as other caring activities.
All women are invited to attend any, or all, of the W.U.M.W. events. Guests are welcomed.