Perspectives on Faith and LGBT Justice Human Rights Campaign (HRC) February 2015
Directed by award winning filmmaker Marc Smolowitz, Brave Spaces: Perspectives on Faith and LGBT Justice brings together 20 leading faith and community leaders to examine the past, present and future of coalition building and intersectional justice.
The film asks the important question: how have faith leaders, LGBT advocates and broader communities been able to find common ground and work together to advance the causes of social justice?
It traces how coalition building has played an integral part in moving the country forward on so many issues, including civil rights, HIV/AIDS advocacy and LGBT equality. It also charts how communities of faith have remained bravely at the table for decades, finding new and powerful ways to be inclusive of LGBT congregants.
The film points to the prospect of a new era of intersectional justice in social movements — one that brings together LGBT and faith communities in new ways to tackle some of our nation’s biggest challenges.